The Ballad of the Neighborhood of Intrigue

In the neighborhood of intrigue you’ll find a spy up every tree

Where years ago a spy moved in followed by another

then another till there were more spies living here

then folks like you and me.

No matter where you walk a spy you will see

trying to act like you and me.

Theres pony tail walking with his coffee cup

and two crew cuts with walky talkies in their ears.

The joggers who stop to smoke on my front lawn.

A young man that has no idea where he lives

and a tow truck driver that can’t start his Gery Dan.

Just a normal day in the neighbor of intrigue.

In the neighborhood of intrigue you’ll find a spy up every tree

No matter where you walk a spy you will see trying to act like you and me.

There is a Mercedes convention

driving up and down the street 24 hours a day.

The roofing job where the rubble in the yard

was higher then the top of the house.

Where on weekin more cars then in a dealership

Are parked

Then theirs the builder that has no plans

and has used enough lumber and concrete to build four homes

has yet to enclose a single room or pour a single floor.

In the neighborhood of intrigue you’ll find a spy up every tree

No matter where you walk a spy you will see trying to act like you and me.

Just a normal day in the neighbor of intrigue

© MBE 2014