Really doesn’t matter that the election is rigged: Editorial

Since it really doesn’t  matter that the election is rigged so that you have Obama for a 3rd term for at least 2 years then the Republicans take a super majority in the country and moves the country way right canceling all Obama’s programs.

They add enough new justices to the court by congressional action to guarantee that they stay in power till they push things too far which should be in 2022.

Then the left takes power and cuts the new members of the court out and swings way to the left which elects a new left president which goes way to far and is gone after one term follows by a one term republican and it goes on this way forever in this scenario.

The other two are Obama becomes  Joe Kool the first followed by his family running the country for the next 50 years or Trump wins and does what he promises then is removed by the left in 2020 and back to business as usual.

No way in any scenario where the people win. Just the business as usual group.

Wilhelm Von Hohenzollern